"I'm finding the gaps in the care industry to make sure we're filling them with the right services and support, so that we can make the lives of others as comfortable and fulfilling as we possibly can."
- Lauren Mann -

Moving the Health and Social Care Industry Forward
Ever since I began my journey in 2017 as an entrepreneur and care champion with the launch of my first business, Farrow Friends I've been passionate to grow teams, projects and services that help to fill the gaps in the Health and Social Care Industry. From helping people in their homes with practical and emotional support, to meal prep and over the phone befriending; I want to push the industry forward to make sure we are supporting all aspects of care. With education, support and services that focus on delivering an exceptional and niche service as part of a community and collaborative approach I am certain we can put care back at the heart of the industry.

Ambassador and Charity Representative

From working as a UK representative and speaker for the Nyumbani Kwanza Foundation, to being a Young People's Ambassador at the Prince's Trust. I believe that the more we can do for our communities, the more we can make the world a friendly and welcoming place for all of us.

"Anything we can do to support the community- whether it's our communities at home, or those in our neighbouring countries- then we should. It's only through care and kindness we can make the world a nicer place for everyone."
- Lauren Mann -