A Business that fills the care gap

Founded in 2017, Farrow Friends is a care company that offers in-home and community support for home-help, befriending and general support services.
I believe all care should be person centered, and provided at the level each of the people we support need based on their individual choices, preferences and needs. Unlike many support companies, mine prioritizes the social area of support that often are overshadowed due to the overwhelming pressures in the care industry.
We take pride in building friendships with the people we support and helping them to live their life to the best quality, by being a friend and taking extra time to focus on building a rapport and providing meaningful conversation and contact, going beyond practical care tasks.
My team don't just shop, clean and cook, they will engage, include, listen and share the interests and values of those we are providing care for. When we aren't out supporting on calls, we're proactive in our community, just recently we ran a campaign in partnership with a local cafe in Grantham to provide weekly befriending over Christmas for those coming to the cafe alone and in want of company.
Our mission is to keep people as independent as possible, for as long as possible. We are customer care focused and have won multiple awards for our quality care.
I take pride in the dedication of myself and my incredibly hard working team of staff. Together we are a company that cares.